A No Claims Bonus (or No Claims Discount) is a discount which you earn by holding a policy in your own name without any claims.
Details of a No Claims Bonus
- It builds up in years, so the more years you drive without any claims, the bigger your discount will be, up to a limit of nine years.
- Your No Claims Discount must have been earned on a policy within the past 24 months. To clarify you must have held a policy in your name with your No Claims Bonus obtained within the past 24 months.
- The discount can only be used on one policy and for one person at any one time. This means that if you currently hold another policy which will be remaining active you cannot use the No Claims Bonus from that policy on this one.
- You can use a No Claims Bonus earned on private motor, taxi or commercial policies on your private motor policy.
- To avail of a No Claims Bonus, you must have earned your bonus on a similar policy. For example for No Claims Bonus to be applied on a motorcycle policy, it must have been earned on a motorcycle policy.
- You can use a No Claims Bonus earned on a commercial vehicle or private motor vehicle towards a commercial vehicle policy providing weight of the vehicle does not exceed two tonne carrying capacity.
What if my No Claims Discount is from outside ROI?
If your No Claims Discount has been earned outside the Republic of Ireland, it must have been earned in the past 24 months, within the UK, all EU countries, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand.
Please Note:
- Once we receive proof of your No Claims Discount, we will contact your last insurer to confirm the document is valid.
- We may need your help during this process, so we would request that you assist us with this. For example, we may ask you for contact details for your last insurer. We may also request that you contact your previous insurer to allow us to obtain information on your previous policy.
- This process may take some time.
- If we are unable to confirm your No Claims Discount this may result in the removal of your discount, hence your premium may increase.
What do I need to do next?
Once you buy your policy, you will need to provide us with proof of your No Claims Bonus. To do this you will need to send us a copy of your No Claims Bonus Certificate.
Your No Claims Bonus Certificate will be included in your renewal pack from your previous insurer, or you can request it from them if you don’t already have it.
You can email a copy or a clear photo of your certificate to us. Click here to contact us. Remember to add your policy or reference number clearly in any emails you send to us.
If you earned your No Claims Discount with RedClick under a previous policy, please contact us to advise.