Updating your payment details

Policyholder details

The number must start with 0 and contain between 8 and 14 numbers. The correct format is 0xxxxxxxxx

Do you want to change your payment details using our paperless option?

Do you want to change your payment details using our paperless option?

If YES is selected:

  • There is no need to physically sign a direct debit mandate form and return to us.   We will update your payment details and send you confirmation when this is completed.
  • You must be the holder of the account to be debited and the payer, or if you are using someone else’s account, you must have the account holders permission.
  • The account type provided must be able to process SEPA Direct Debits.
  • If the account is held in joint names you can still proceed as long as only one person's signature is needed for sign-off.
  • If more than one person is required to authorise payment from this account, you can’t avail of this option.

If NO is selected:

  • We will issue a direct debit mandate form to sign and return to us.
  • Non-return of this Direct Debit mandate form may result in the cancellation of your policy.