How can we help you?

Making a Complaint

How can I make a complaint?

We are committed to providing all our customers and claimants with a high standard of service at all times. We realise that things can go wrong and there may be times when you feel our service has let you down.

As a valued customer, you have the right to complain. Please contact our team first to see if we can resolve any concerns you may have. Phone: 01 5534040.

If you have already been in contact with our team, and you remain dissatisfied, please click here to review our complaints process. 

I have discussed my complaint with the Customer Service team and I'm unhappy with the response I received.

You can send your concerns in writing to our Customer Service Manager:


Letter: 5 Town Hall Place, Farnham Street, Cavan, H12 V9F5

I have received my complaint final response letter and I am still not happy

If you are not satisfied with our decision or if we haven’t given you a decision after 40 business days, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Insurance Ombudsman at:

The Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman
Lincoln House
Lincoln Place
Dublin 2
D02 VH29

Tel: (01) 567 7000

What happens once I raise a complaint?

Our team will try to resolve your complaint immediately. If this is not possible, we promise to acknowledge your complaint within five business days of receiving it.

In the unlikely event that we have not resolved your complaint within 20 business days of receiving it, we will write and let you know why and what further action we will take.

Where can I find more information on your complaints process?

For more information on our complaints process, please visit Complaints and Legal Information.